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Frequently Asked Questions

What is PoolApp?

PoolApp is a FREE lottery pool manager for your smartphone. It's powered by Atlantic Lottery, and built exclusively for Lotto MAX and Lotto 6/49 captains.

Who can use PoolApp?

You must be 19 years of age or older to use PoolApp.

How much does it cost to use PoolApp?

Nothing! PoolApp is a completely free service. No hidden fees or in-app purchases.

Does PoolApp require an internet connection?

Nope! You can still manage your pool even if you aren't on Wi-Fi or data. However, you won't be able to see the latest prize draw estimates and results.

What draw games can I manage in PoolApp?

Currently you can manage Lotto Max and Lotto 6/49 in PoolApp. Additional draw games may be added in the future.

Is there a limit to how many players I can have in my pool?

Nope; you can have as many as you want.

Can I manage multiple pools?

Currently no, but it's a feature we plan to add in a future release.

Can I buy my tickets with PoolApp?

Not yet, but we're working on it.

Can I use the same QR code more than once?

Yes! If your group ticket is always the same so you can now set it and forget it. When you create a QR code they will stay in your app for future use.

Will all my tickets be included in one QR code (Lotto Max AND Lotto 649)?

Sorry, not yet. You cannot combine both games no 1 ticket. However, you can add Tag, Atlantic & Twist to your ticket!

Can I save the QR codes to my Apple wallet?

Sorry not yet. In the future we might set it up that you can also save it to your Apple as well as Google Wallet.

Will the tickets printed using the QR code have “Group Play” indicated on them?

Sure will.

What if I do not see the QR code feature in my Pool App?

The QR code feature does NOT work for all Provinces in Canada. Please check your profile (More -> Profile and Settings) and make sure you have selected either (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador or Prince Edward Island). After a quick refresh you should see it at the bottom of the app. Have fun!

How do you keep my information secure?

Atlantic Lottery takes your privacy seriously. We’ve taken steps to ensure that your data is private and secure. All transmissions are encrypted and served over an industrial strength SSL connection, and we follow Atlantic Lottery’s Privacy Policy.


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